God Life

The Light and Consciousness

The outside world that seems to be moving in different ways: the constellations, the wind, the sounds of objects and people, the growing of bones, the movement of the dirt as a new leaf springs forth its depth. Those movement at Its greatest speed which is Infinity faster than any form can observe, knows Itself as Pure White Light. This knowing Light observe Spaciousness around Itself and you within the Space.

How fast is this movement? If you focus your attention on your arm or a finger and you move it from point A to point B, you will notice that you cannot catch all the frames no matter how present you are. No matter how slow you try to move or try not to move, it is still so fast that it is humanly impossible to pause. Although, the more present, the better your chances. Even better is as you continue observing, you will notice the Space in which your arm appears in. You will deduce that since that space is always where It is, it must be able to see all the movement inside Itself ultimately, and since the Space is not Light, that too must be moving. So while you are a moving at speeds which cannot be fathomed, the Space is moving at a Speed which will make the speed of any form feel bullied. The Light observes your form as a replay within Itself. You are the Light. You as the Light appear as both the Light and the conscious form you limit yourself to and sent into the world.

This Eternal Light, in whose Presence we eternally exist in, is what created the rat race of energy and It is what ultimately controls everything. That Thing that controls All Things is right Inside of You living as You. It is outside of you. It is inside of you. There is no Outside, no Inside. Just Inside. Everything and everyone is running to catch up to one thing only – the Light. We do this is so diverse ways. The unconscious, not understanding the Truth, believe they are trying to get something outside. They’ll sell their freewill to get it because they believe it’s outside. The conscious recognize that what the mind is running after is already within by not understanding this, the unconscious are controlled the programs that govern outside perception.

The programs or controllers other than your Light, that seems to be in control in the outside and seems to be evil don’t have that Light in them. But since the law states that everything outside that exist cannot come into form without the light in and out of them (since everything is always in the Presence of the Light), such programs are only an illusion. They don’t exist any where in Reality, only in thoughts. They seem to be outside but they are not. They are in the minds of men ONLY.

Now, this thought forms can and will embody themselves genetically, technologically or both. They can only come into form as a result of fear (which is a form of worship) from the masses. The more fear, the more power they have to manifest themselves and they continue reigning through fear, bondage and their promise of salvation. Eventually though, the masses would get tired of the fear.

For the immature, this power of thought can create an illusion of bondage so strong, they would be bound by its rules, the way a particle of dress is bound by the rules that govern the dress. For the matured, this power of thought can create an illusion of freedom so strong, they would literally become One with the Space and the Light, the Unknowns. The Magic that happened without anyone’s help inside a Mystery that is Conscious of this Magic within Itself via the Magic. The Mystery that looks like a Container for the Magic that just is.

You, as a (my God, I dislike this word so much) Lightworker, (more accurately, i dislike what it connotes in the mind of those who take the label so religiously), your main job is to broadcast this Light by staying more in the Present Moment. This requires not engaging in a lot of unnecessary rubbish (thought patterns) that happens around you, giving love (Awareness) to personal thought loops that wears the mask of limitation and focusing on your highest joy, doing what gives you pleasure. Any and every Jack can be used by the Light but you do it Consciously. Be Conscious. Be Consciousness.

Go within and leave the outside world alone.

You are eternally blessed.

Edit: I was going to post this yesterday but I was battling with what I wrong in one of the paragraphs. I felt i didn’t have enough solid information about it noticing a whole lot of grey areas. After going back and forth, I decided on a more smoother message and i was happy with myself in mind and ignoring my heart. Today, I saw a weird news stories. Here

I’m like, ‘Uhhhnnnn…I see what you did there Ancient One. Okay, I’ll post the screenshot of the unedited paragraph. Remember there is alot of grey areas. Please use discretion. Here:

By Emi'el

Emi'el is simply here to be of service to those who are ready to awaken from the dream of life. Emi'el is the name of that Being which cannot be named. It is my I AM. It is your I AM.

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